Honorary Presidency
HM King Felipe VI has accepted the request to preside over the Honor Committee of the “European Union Law Summit for Legal Professionals”.
Eugenio Ribón, President of the Madrid Bar Association
Message from the President
Dear Colleagues,
On the 73rd anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, it is essential to remember his words along with those of Jean Monnet to guide the European project for the coming years: “Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity”.
At the Madrid Bar Association, we believe that these words could not be more topical.
Europe will only pursue its development and face up the challenges such as digitalization or climate change, among many others, by joining forces and carrying out concrete actions from all sectors of society.
Spain, which is holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU for the fifth time in its history, has a historic opportunity to lead Europe at a crucial time. And for this reason, the Madrid Bar Association, the largest Bar Association in Europe, wants to be at its side to address the many challenges that we, as Europeans, face and to guarantee our understanding of the Rule of law.
As President, I am particularly thrilled to welcome all of you to this first EU Law Summit. A major event that will address all the key challenges that affect us European citizens from the perspective of EU law.
I invite all of you to attend this Summit in the unique setting of the Royal Collections Gallery in Madrid.
With warm regards,
Eugenio Ribón, President of the Madrid Bar Association
Teresa Mínguez, Deputy Member of the Madrid Bar Association’s Governing Board, responsible for International Relations